What is Pranic Healing?
Pranic Healing® is a no-touch, no-drugs, advanced system of energy healing. It is the fastest growing energy healing therapy around the world with amazing positive results because of its modern, systematic, straightforward and no-mysticism approach to energy, healing and spirituality.
Scan, Sweep & Energise! Pranic Healing technique is based on scanning, cleansing and energising.
With Pranic Healing, one is able to detect the problems and imbalances in the aura and carefully remove them using a fairly simple technique that involves no touching, no drug and anyone can learn to do it.
Healing is accelerated by cleansing the diseased or painful energy from the affected chakras and organs, and energising them with sufficient prana.
Pranic Healing is based on the fundamental principles that
1. the body can naturally heal itself and that
2. the healing process is accelerated by increasing the amount of life force energy or prana.
We offer Pranic Healing COURSES, MEDITATION and TREATMENT services.
Pranic Healing courses

How can Pranic Healing help you?
Pranic Healing can help people suffering from body pains, circulatory, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, reproductive ailments, diabetes, cancer, heart ailment, general weakness, stress, anxiety, depression and other physical, emotional and psychological disorders.
Pranic Healing is not only for the sick, but for everyone, even for the people who are already healthy and successful because it affects every area of your life: Health, Relationships, Finances & Spirituality.
Because chakras control different parts of our life, for example:
- Basic chakra: productivity, prosperity
- Sex chakra: creativity, kids
- Navel chakra: physical power and strength
- Spleen chakra: overall vitality because it absorbs energy from the room, air energy.
- and more.
Discover a happier and better you!
Pranic Healing offer workshops categorised for Healing, Manifestation and Spirituality. The healing workshops offered by modern Pranic Healing is divided into different levels. It is a technology, which is formally taught, in internationally standardized, graduated courses.
- First level, Basic Pranic Healing, deals with basic principles and techniques, which enable the student to heal simple physical ailments.
- Second level, Advanced Pranic Healing, teaches advanced techniques including colors to shorten the healing time. In this level, students learn how to apply treatments for chronic and more severe physical ailments.
- Third level, Pranic Psychotherapy, or emotional and mental healing, is the use of more potent techniques for healing psychological ailments and the emotional and mental aspects of chronic diseases. Treating psychological ailments require more time, effort and greater skill.
- Fourth level, Pranic Crystal Healing, is the technology of crystals. They are used as tools for healing treating severe and chronic diseases.
After demonstrating proficiency in the above 4 levels, one becomes a Certified Pranic Healer.
The other healing workshops are Psychic Self Defense, where you will learn the techniques to protect yourself and your loved ones, and Body Sculpting and Face-Lift in which the techniques to physically look better using prana are revealed.
The Art & Science of energy healing
Pranic Healing was born in 1987 after years of research and validation by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui.
Pranic Healing provides the science behind energy-based treatment, supported by tons and tons of researches and testimonials around the world.

Energy Healing is not a new concept. Many sages, saints, and healers have been practicing the art of healing from long ago. Though not all the modalities are recorded, still, you can see hundreds of them if you search the web.
What makes Pranic Healing unique among the rest, is its modern, fresh, and scientific view towards energy, healing, and general well-being.
Master Choa’s teachings have successfully demonstrated that energy is an important factor in healing the physical body and the mind. There are plenty of medical doctors all over the world that complement Pranic Healing with their profession. Pranic Healing has also departments in a number of hospitals worldwide including Northern California Neurosurgery and Kaiser Permanent hospitals (USA), Sinai Medical Centre and Brown’s Cancer Leukaemia Support Centre (Australia), as well as the Apollo Hospitals all over India. In fact there are currently a great number of dentists, general surgeons, medical practitioners, specialists and nurses who use Pranic Healing effectively in their profession.
Pranic Healing used by doctors in hospitals complement as a complementary tool to accelerate healing! Watch the video:
Maintain your Energy!
Energy is not a new age, magical, and out-of-reach concept. It is so blended with our life. Life-force, Chi, or Prana, in fact, is the 4th state of matter after solid, liquid, and gas. It is so physical and so ordinary that we often take it for granted. Energy is just more refined than what we already know about the physical matters. Its subtle nature makes energy intangible for the ordinary senses. However, there are many people with a more sensitive nature that can feel, see, and experience the existence of energy. For sensitive eyes, it looks like a luminous field of light, surrounding the physical body and interpenetrating it.
Based on the Law of Correspondence, what affects this energy field, affects the physical body too; that is also how dirty energies, thoughts, and emotions develop into poor physical health.
You may also have heard so many times about 80% of diseases being psychosomatic, and the rationale behind this fact is the existence of the energy body and the energy centers, also known as the chakras.
The chakras, basically, are responsible for the proper functioning of the vital, internal organs. They receive energy from the surroundings and expel the used-up energy back into the surrounding. So when the chakras start malfunctioning because of contamination or obstruction in the flow of energy, and accumulation of negative thoughts and emotions, they adversely affect the organs under their control. In the long run, we end up having a disease.
Chakras also have psychological functions, which shapes our character.
Over activation or under activation of the chakras lead to development of various characteristics and behavioral patterns. Changing the sizes of the chakras and disintegrating the poisonous thoughts and emotions from our system, therefore, can affect how we think, feel, and act. When the energy changes, people will change; their attitude towards life will change, even their degree of success and creativity will change.
This is how Pranic Healing can affect our whole life and the way we deal with daily challenges.
Pranic Healing is not only for the sick, but for everyone, even for the people who are already healthy and successful as it provides a scientific approach that enables us to gain control over our life.
Imagine if you know the laws of the universe and how energy works… You would become much aware of what is happening in your life and would be able to materialize what you plan for and avoid what is harmful.
Energy is pervasive; it encompasses all. Even if science can’t detect it yet, it is still there affecting every person and every being.
The intelligent approach is not to neglect it. The intelligent will research, experiment, and validate before they make any conclusions.
Try Pranic Healing with an open mind and see what it can bring for all of us!
Be a Pranic Healer
Pranic Healing is designed for everyone, from students to engineers, doctors to housewives, massage therapist to energy workers, parents to teachers as it introduces methods of healthy living. People from all walks of life worldwide have learnt and benefited from Pranic Healing.
You can be one of them!
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